Winter Programs Begin!
The Oswegoland Park District continues to follow the Restore Illinois Guidelines to ensure our programs provide a safe and healthy experience for all participants. We are excited to resume additional in-person programming opportunities under the relaxed Tier 1 Mitigations announced for Region 2 on Sunday, January 17.
Park District staff have modified our program experiences to allow for increased social distancing and our staff follows enhanced cleaning protocols to ensure we are maintaining the safest environment possible in our facilities.
We encourage all community members to join us in complying with the safety protocols set forth by the DCEO and IDPH to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These protocols include the use of masks, routine handwashing, social distancing, and remaining home when you are ill.
Please bring a face covering with you to all Park District activities. Face coverings must be worn at all times while inside a Park District facility, including while participating in an activity.
Winter Program Registration is ongoing and available 24/7 on our Online Registration Site. Our digital-only Winter Play Book will continue to be updated regularly to reflect any program changes.
We are committed to being YOUR PLACE TO PLAY and we look forward to seeing you in a program or at an event soon!