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Administrative and Operations Redevelopment Progress

Prairie Point Demo

Site work has begun, and the former Prairie Point Center has been removed from 313 E. Washington Street. In addition, the Oswego Village Board voted unanimously at its Tuesday, June 25 meeting to approve the District’s redevelopment plans.

As part of the 2024 Community Investment Program, the Oswegoland Park District is redeveloping this site as the future Administrative and Operations Center. This facility will provide Park District staff with the necessary space and technology to continue delivering high-quality recreational services and maintaining the District’s 66 parks, 35 playgrounds, and over 1,290 acres of open space.

The former Prairie Point Center was originally built in 1974 as a farm implement dealership and presented numerous challenges to the District, including no fire suppression system and lacking firewall, inadequate storage with dirt floor barns, ADA accessibility issues, and the need for mechanical updates to an aging building.

Consultants conducted a thorough analysis, including site visits, discussions with staff, and reviews of building and fire code requirements. Their findings indicated that a complete redevelopment would be more cost-effective than renovating the aging facility.

Project Plans

  • Demolition of the existing administration and operations building and pole barns
  • Construction of a new 11,000-square-foot administration building designed for current and future staff needs, with efficient space usage making it smaller than the current facility
  • Construction of a new 15,000-square-foot park maintenance and operations building with an improved storage yard
  • Expanded parking

Find out more about the Administration & Operations Center Redevelopment or view information on all 2024 Community Improvement Projects.

Admin Exterior Operations Exterior


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