Features:![Wormley Park Map]()
- 15.5 acres
- Two large handicap accessible playgrounds (shared with School District 308, unavailable for use during school hours)
- Open areas for sports practice
- Shade shelter with picnic tables in sports core
- Shelter with 2 picnic tables by playgrounds
- Four baseball fields
- Drinking fountain
- Half court basketball (2)
- Sand volleyball court
- Roller hockey court
- Portable toilet shelter (seasonal)
- Bike/pedestrian path
- Parking (64 parking spaces). Parking avaliable in school parking lot
In 2004 the Oswegoland Park District received an OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition Development) Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to help pay for the development of this park. The playgrounds, constructed in conjunction with the Fox Chase Elementary School, are available for public use when school is not in session.