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Launching Our New Strategic Plan!

Strategic Plan Launch

This year, we partnered with the Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies to shape our future with an updated Strategic Plan. This process began with gathering input through a community-wide survey, a demographic trend analysis, and focus groups with community stakeholders and staff. Park District leadership then met with the consultants during a strategic planning workshop in July 2023 to review the community input and develop the Strategic Plan goals.

Through this collective process, three high-level strategic priorities were identified to build our goals: organizational advancement, facilities improvement, and collaboration and communication. These priority areas highlight the activities and initiatives the Park District will focus on in the short and long term.

Priority Areas

  • Organizational Advancement
  • Facilities Improvement
  • Collaboration and Communication

We are excited to move forward with this nuanced focus. After listening to our community, staff, and board, we have created objectives for an Oswegoland Park District that uses innovation, collaboration, and integrity to strengthen the community experience.

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