Administration & Operations Center Redevelopment
As part of the 2024 Community Investment Program, the Oswegoland Park District will redevelop Prairie Point Center. The District will construct a modest and efficient administrative and operations center on the site using accumulated resources designated for capital purposes and non-referendum bonds. The new administration and operations buildings will provide staff with the space and technology needed to deliver high-quality recreational services to the growing Oswegoland community and maintain the District’s 66 parks, 35 playgrounds, and over 1,290 acres of open space.
- Built in 1974 as a farm implement dealership
- Lacks fire suppression system
- No firewall between the operations area and the workspace
- Inadequate storage, dirt floor barns
- ADA accessibility issues, non-compliance
- Heaving foundation
- Temperature control issues – single pane windows, lack of insulation
- Electrical updates needed
- Roof replacement needed
View the 2018 Comprehensive Master Plan Prairie Point Scorecard
Consultants completed an analysis of the existing administration and operations space at Prairie Point. The analysis included site visits, discussions with staff, a review of building and fire code requirements, and developing cost projections. The consultants found that renovating the aging Prairie Point facility to meet the District’s current and future needs would not be a significant saving over a complete site redevelopment. The District will construct a modest and efficient administrative and operations center on the site using accumulated resources designated for capital purposes and non-referendum bonds.
- Demolition of administration and operations building and pole barns
- Construction of a new 11,000-square-foot administration building to accommodate existing staff plus additional workspace for future staff growth. The building will be smaller than the current Prairie Point facility due to efficiencies in space usage.
- Construction of a new 15,000-square-foot park maintenance and operations building with an improved storage yard
- Expanded parking
- Bidding early 2024
- Demolition late Spring/early Summer 2024
- Construction Summer 2024-Summer 2025
- Project completion by Fall 2025
- $14.3 million total community investment, $11.1 Administration and Operations
- Funding sources for this project will not impact property taxes. Capital Reserves, accumulated resources designated for capital purposes, and Non-referendum Bonds will be utilized.